Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Kasih sayang seekor Kucing

I found this video on my friend FB.  She was uploading this video. When I watched this video I was "Man, It's hard to see animal acting like this". Haihh, poor cat.

A male cat has amazed some onlookers with his behaviour to a female cat after she was hit by a car and left dead on the street. Having seen the darling lying on the ground, the male cat started making massage-like movements, to bring the beloved back to life.


anyssreynastorymorypreetydirtysecret said...

lol sedih duh tgk kucen tue ,dah macam manusia pon ada dah tgk ,sob sob tisu pliss :(

ardinihumaira said...

touching sangat.. huhu... bagusnya kucing tu... ada sifat kasih sayang...

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Just a random girl... said...

huhuhu, so sad :'(

RaafikJahat said...

sedih kan semua ? tu la, kucing pun ada perasaan macam kita juga tau. :)